Session 3: The Actual Conduct of Research
Examples of research from idea, through planning, operationalisation of constructs, qualitative case studies (seed categories, open and axial coding), quantitative analysis (preparation of questionnaires, testing for non-response bias, factor analysis for construct validity and reliability) to conference paper write-up, journal paper write-up. Plagiarism appears to be on the rise largely facilitated by the Web. Some examples and cases of plagiarism are discussed, and the emergent policies in this area reviewed.
Supplied Readings
Jenkins, A. (1985) Research methodologies and MIS research, in Mumford, Hirschheim, Fitzgerald and Wood-Harper, (Eds) Research Methods in Information Systems, Elsevier Publishers, North Holland , 103-117.
Klein, H.K., and Myers, M.D. (1999) A Set of Principles for Conducting and Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.67-93.
Koch, N (1999) An extreme case of plagiarism, Communications of the ACM.